Penny for your Thoughts?
This project was my senior exhibition capstone. It was a three poster series, each capturing a specific time of my life, using journal entries, photographs, drawings and physical objects. I have kept a journal since I was 8 years old—documenting everyday life, capturing moments of great impact, as well as those of complete senselessness.
Poster 1: Childhood
Poster 2: Adolescence
Poster 3: Current
A Final Thought
At the end of the gallery space, there was a iPad which displayed my journey through the project; documenting each step of the way, the blog shows sketches, thought processes, videos etc.. Visitors were also encouraged to take a handcrafted journal and a penny as encouragement to start their own reflection.
Gallery Exhibition
This exhibition was majorly left to the viewers discretion of how to interpret each poster. My goal was to inspire others with my story and have them begin to think about their own story and what moments made them who they are today. Many visitors would stare at the posters for minutes on end, pointing, laughing and relating to the experiences I was sharing through each poster.